Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What to do?

As many of you know I started taking a sign language class a couple of weeks ago. I have been very interested in Sign Langugage Interpretation and wondering if that is a direction I want to go in my life. I am really enjoying it ALOT.

I am in a place in my life I dont know if I should try to embark on something this big and different. Do I want to possible spend the next 2 -3 years of my life in school? I have started a new relationship and feel very strongly that this man is a gift from the Lord and that this is a direction I am suppose to go in. Where does that leave me as far as starting a whole new career? Is that too much? Do I want to try starting a relationship and possible a marriage (some day) while also going to school? The only places the school is offered is in Milwaukee and Appleton. No matter what that leaves me driving - -

Am I in a position where I can go to school and afford not to work full time? There are so many questions and so much more I need to look into.

For now my plan is to keep going with Sign Language and continue learning as much sign language as I can. See if I continue enjoying it as much as I do.

Please keep me in your prayers as I try to find where my place in all the newness is.


  1. Have no fear, my love, you are always in my prayers but I will make it a point to pray specifically for God to give you direction in this area of your life.
    Am so glad you have found two things that bring you such happiness and contentment - sign language and Aaron - you know the cop!! (Just kidding, I just finished reading and commenting on his blog and couldn't resist!!)
    Make sure he takes my comments the right way - tell him if I did'nt give him a hard time it would me I didn't like him.

  2. I will support whatever your decision is.

  3. Okay, wow could I take up a whole page with all of my "hopes and dreams" for you.... I won't but I could... anyhow, it's truly amazing to watch you as you start to "bud", you are the happiest that I have ever seen you in a really long time (maybe ever) and you are making decisions based on what the Lord wants for you and His best, there is no wrong decision if your heart is in the right place (which is ultimately to please Him and do His will) He will direct your paths, and redeem your ways. There may not be a loud booming voice (in fact I would bet there won't be) but there will be a still quiet tug on your heart, a peace that follows, and His word which will confirm.
    You're in my prayers and my house is always open for overnighters if/when you need it. :)

  4. I think that the sign language idea is really cool. I have enjoyed learning some of the signs with you. I had no idea that I would like it so much. Maybe it's because you are such a good teacher.

    As far as the school and new career go, you will have to make some tough choices. School is a lot of fun when you want to go, so I know you'd have a blast. Finding a job may be difficult, especially in todays market of cutbacks and layoffs. You are not the kind of person who will give up, I know that.

    As your boyfriend, (the cop), I want to see you do what makes you happy. I would rather be in love with someone who is genuinely happy, instead of loving someone who finds 40 hours of their week depressing. We both know that occassionaly our jobs come home with us. Right or wrong, they do. I want to see a smile on your face everyday. I know that we will continue to pray for some direction.
