Thursday, May 13, 2010

Peyton Amber Williams

There has been so much that happened in the last week I hope I can get it all in here.

We went to the hospital Friday, May 7, 2010 to be induced (since I was 1 week, 1 day

overdue) At around 8:20 they put the stuff on my cervix to try to dilate it more. I was at 2 cm. After 2 hours I was able to sit up, get up or in general move around. In the bed I felt mild contractions every so often but when I got up and sat on the stability ball etc I stopped feeling them again (they were still showing up on the monitor but I didn't know I was having anything) Then the Doctor came in checked me again I was still at 2 cm but I was more effaced. This was VERY disappointing news and it was decided to start the pitocin.

The contractions became a little more intence and that point but for the most part I was able to breathe and walk through them. My sister Amber and I began walking the small hallway trying to help the process along. As we walked the contractions were coming alot more quickly but really didnt get more intense. After awhile of walking the nurse wanted me to lay down with oxygen and lower the pit. because the contractions were coming to quickly. It was more or less one big contraction with higher and lower points. The nurse was concerned my uterus and the baby would be worn out to quickly. The Doctor came in around 5pm and checked me again. To my complete dismay I had not changed AT ALL we were still at 2 cm. At this point there was serious discussion of a C-Section. He felt that with me being over due already and not progressing at all that even if I went home I would be back in a week having a c-section anyway. Aaron, Amber, Mom and I had discussed it before hand and had decided that we really would prefer to do a C-section over going home or laboring for 20+ hours just to end up in a c-section anyway (2 of my sisters had this happen)

It seemed immediately there were different doctors in my room explaining the procedure having me sign off on things and wheeling me away. At this point I was very scared Aaron could not go into the room with me right away he had to get the white suit on I had to get a spinal, get situted etc etc. Like I said on the way in I was terrified really not knowing what to expect. However the Doctors and Nurses were GREAT!! They put me at complete ease and made me feel like I was in great hands even with Aaron not being there. Aaron then came in and they started everything he watched the whole thing while holding my hand and then the baby was born. The Doctor asked Aaron what the baby was and his responce was that would be my daughter. I was so suprised I thought he was kidding. I had no idea how much I thought we were having a boy unitl he said it was a girl.

She weighed in at 8 lbs 13 oz, 21 inches long, her head 15 in. The Doctor said there were multiple

reasons she was not wanting to come out naturally. Her head was too big most babies are 13 - 13 1/2. Plus her head was coming down sideways rather than face down. He feels it was very much the right decision to go to a c-section. Aaron and Peyton were able to come and visit me in recovery which I was so happy about. The baby can only leave the OB department with an OB Nurse if there are not enough nurses then the baby has to stay in the OB wing. I was able to hold her right away which I thought was amazing. We were trying to nurse with not much luck (we were able to get it later thank goodness)

She is perfect. Even when she wakes me up in the middle of the night I still love watching her eat or stare up at me when she has no intention of going back to sleep!! :) I love to watch her sleep with all her grunts and facial expressions. Her stretch and yawn take my breathe away. When she is crying and I pick her up and she calms down to the sound of my voice my whole body goes numb. There is nothing about her I dont like to see there is nothing I would change!! I have never felt that about another human being. Dont give me wrong I love my husband to a fault and dont want to change anything about him but I cant say everything he does sends shivers of joy down my spine. Which brings me to I think my favorite thing. I love to watch my baby with her daddy. It is a side of this amazing man I have never seen and I just look forward to seeing more of. His heart gushes as much as mine does when she is in his arms (It is written all over his face)


  1. Just so you know you said 6 pounds 13 ounces not 8 --- BIG DIFFERENCE!! Give yourself some props!!

    I knew you would love being a mom and I TOLD YOU there was nothing like it!! It's so indescribable :)

  2. I tagged you
