Friday, April 30, 2010

My Due Date has come and gone!

Yesterday was my due date and I had high hopes that the baby would be here before todays appointment....I guess it goes without saying that didnt happen ;)

The appointment went well when Dr Whiting checked me he said I was a little more soft than last week but I was not dialated anymore than last week. That was very disappointing.........

So we scheduled an induction, if I dont have the baby before Thursday I will begin the induction process. There is an end is sight 6 days and counting (or sooner ;)

I am still doing well with everything it is difficult to move around these days but overall I am good. I am taking everyones advice and enjoy all the final movements and pushes from the little one.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

1 Week to go

I had my 39 week appointment today! Everything is looking good.

At 36 weeks when Dr Whiting checked me my cervix was back and I was a finger tip to closed as far as dilatation. This week when he checked my cervix is forward and I am at 1 cm. I know it is not much but hey we are getting somewhere.

He asked about the rash and if it was still gone and is still amazed it went away like that. He said again he was suprised it went away he has never seen that. I am still nothing but happy about it.

He did ask me if I wanted to schedule an induction now or wait until next week. He does not want me to go over 42 weeks unless it is a c-section. I told him I would rather wait until next week hopefully I have the baby before then!

The whole pregngancy I have been measuring right on each week this week I am only at 38 cm which makes him think the baby dropped...which is also good news. I did not gain any weight this visit which was a great thing considering last week I gained 3 pounds!!!

Emotionally I am doing well though I did cry over criminal minds the other day! The joys. I have been having mild cervix back pains here and there which I keep telling myself means everything is getting ready.

Thanks everyone for all your prayers I really appreciate it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

2 Weeks to go...

I had my 38 week appointment yesterday everything seems to be right on schedule. The Doctor and Nurse were very surprised that my rash seems to have disappeared. The nurse said someone must have been praying for you and the Doctor said he has never seen it go away like that. I am in no way upset that it has shown me some relief and I thank everyone that did pray for me!!!

My urine glucose is still high just like the entire pregnancy, my blood work is still coming out perfectly normal. The Doctor is not concerned about this since the baby is measuring right on.

My feet and leggs are still very swollen but not too hard to live with. The price you pay for working on your feet all the time LOL.

I am getting very excited about the thought of this little bundle coming into the world I know how much it is going to change my life and look forward to all the aspects of being a mother. I am most excited to see what he or she looks like - does the baby have Aarons eyes? The thought of seeing Aaron and I in this babies features just makes my heart swell with excitement.

Ryan and I were talking about the baby on the way to school today and he has a couple ideas. He thinks the baby will be a girl born on the 26th - Anything before the 29th is a good idea to me!!! I am so ready to be able to bend and walk again HEHEHE.

I am going to try to update more often now that I have internet and I look forward to posting lots of picture of the new house, baby, Ryan etc.