Saturday, March 12, 2011

Great Weekend

We had a fun filled weekend and are very excited to be back home.

Friday was Audrey Schoessows 1st birthday!!  Soooo as soon as I got off of work on Friday we headed up to DePere to visit.  It was wonderful to see everyone - Treyton, Alexa, Audrey, Ryan and Peyton had a lot of fun playing.  We always have a great time when we visit the Schoessows.  Thanks again for letting us come and stay with you.  Uncle Tim and I decorated the living room for Audreys party while Auntie Amber decorated Audreys (Dairy and Sugar Free) Birthday cake.  It was all beautiful in perfect princess colors....LOTS of pink.

Saturday I woke up at 6:15 to find the whole house awake!!  Wow what an early morning.......However spirits were good it was Audreys Party Day.  Everyone else got to the house around noon and it was GREAT to see them.  We really enjoyed visiting with everyone....The day was filled with playing, eating, talking, playing on Audreys new slide, knock knock jokes, CAKE and soo much more.  We had a great time and didnt realize how late it was getting and did not leave until a little after 6pm. 

Both kids fell asleep on the ride home.  Ryan decided it was time to go to sleep right away!!  However Peyton had different plans she just slept for 2 hours sooo.......  here is a video of her singing along with the Chuggington Theme Song.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ryan Adam

Ryan - My Handsome Boy

You are an amazing piece of our family. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. I know that I did not give birth to you but I love being "A" mother to you. One of the best (and frustrating) things about you is you make me grow as a person and mother. As it is with all first borns I am learning on you. Thank you for being you - for having the huge heart that you have. One of my favorite things to do is lay on the couch and snuggle with you.

You are also doing so many new things. You are an amazing help and you love to help us cook.
Ryan Canning
Ryan tring to figure out how to cut the onion
Skye coming in with the chopper!!

Ryan making Cinnamon Rolls

Ryan learning to Ice Skate

You are an amazing big brother - this is the most natural thing for you. You hug on your sister, play with her and protect her!! Peyton loves you like no other - there is something about you that just tickles her. You can walk in the room and she lights up and usually begins to laugh!! You can make her laugh when no one else can!!
I cannot wait to continue watching you grow......Keep being the amazing child you are.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Peyton Amber

My beautiful baby girl,

You are growing up so fast! Everyday I look at you and realized you have learned something new. From pulling yourself up walking along the wall; trying to climb into the walker to get left over cheerios; to letting your indepence show when you are told no.

Tonight you were trying to get into moms room to pull all the books off of mamas side table. I told you "Peyton, NO" You turned, sat down on your butt, smiled at me with a very thoughtful look on your face, turned back toward the door. I told you again "Peyton, What did mama say? No" You quickly turned back around gave me a huge smile and crawled right over to me. You are testing the boundaries already!! You know exactly what you are allowed to do and what No means, yet every time you try to smile your way out of it!!

The last month has shown your independence! You play by yourself A LOT! We will be in the living room hanging out and all of a sudden you are on your way to your bedroom to play. Usually you can be found pulling all the books off the shelf looking through them. I have tried so many times to catch you in your room looking through the books but you always catch me!
You are getting so big! You are always moving.... usually headed for the places you know you should not be :), pull yourself up on everything, and walk along furniture and walls. There are so many things your daddy and I know you can do but you REFUSE to do in front of other people. You can get down from the couch or bed by yourself...though you need to be reminded to turn around sometimes. The other day I was sitting on the couch paying bills and heard you getting upset. When I looked up I found you standing up under the high chair!
Like any great mom I decided to capture the moment instead of helping you get out. I am really glad I did because it only took a couple extra minutes for you to figure it out all on your own
Lets see what else have you learned? You put your arms up, put your arms down, touch your nose, touch daddys nose...and so much more. You are so smart!! You say Dada all the time and despite my best efforts you have not said mama yet. You love to clap your hands....and cant stop smiling when we play patty cake!
I think of everything your favorite thing to do it EAT!! I dont think there is anything
you wont eat. You sit very well when mama feeds you baby food,
but you really get excited when you get to feed yourself! You will start out with one tray full and when it is gone you waste no time in letting mama know clapping your hands and slapping the tray. As much as you love to eat yourself you are also very good at sharing too.
I love you with all my heart and look forward to everyday with you. I love being your mom more than I ever dreamed I would.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Check out the Giveaway on Journey of Grace

Monday, January 24, 2011
CSN Giveaway!!

When we bought our first house it came with an old wooden swingset in the backyard. At the time we didn’t have any children so I didn’t think much of it, but once Treyton was born I told Tim “when we move, that things coming with us”… and so it has… After two moves, it still is a sturdy swing and our kids love it, it has taken a little updating over time, which is one of the reasons I found myself browsing for longer than I should at the swing sets store.

I had no idea some of the accessories out there!!

Not that I wasn’t missing summer before, but now, I’m really missing it!! Imagine the possibilities with me:

Treyton would love this…. Lexie would try this… and mom would kill herself on it!

And what about this…. what kid wouldn’t love to ride in (or should I say on, I’m not really sure) one of these:

Well, back to our winter-wonder reality. While I can’t make the sun shine on a cold dreary day, I can hopeuflly brighten one reader’s day with a $35 gift certificate to any of CSNs 200 stores.

This giveaway is open to US and Candian readers only, if you qualify here’s what you need to do to have your chance of winning.

Mandatory Requirement:

This giveaway is open to followers and subscribers only. If you are already a subscriber/follower just leave a comment – if you become a NEW follower (through GFC) or email subscribing, you can have 2 entries for signing up.

Addtional Entries:

2. Become a NEW GFC Follower or Email Subscriber to Refined Metals Academy. (2 entries)

3. Post my button on your blog (2 entries)

4. Blog about this giveaway on your blog (2 entries)

5. Post this giveaway on facebook (2 entries) be sure to include a link back to this post.

Be sure to leave your e-mail address so that I can contact you.

Giveaway closes on January 31st 12:00pm, the winner will be announced on the blog within a day or so.